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Image courtesy of Bottega Veneta


Come rain, come shine, come very strong winds

Words by Joey Wong

There are some things we take for granted in summer. Generously filled goblets of Aperol Spritz; the creamy swirl of soft serve running in sticky rivulets from cone to wrist; the scent of suntan lotion that, somehow, always ferries us back to childhood. What’s not a given, despite the assumption of cloudless days, is the weather. Our little slice of sky in the city is predisposed to torrential downpour that starts, stops and starts up again all in one unpredictable afternoon.

So, forecast ahead and dress for even the most mercurial of climes. Here’s our guide to seasonal styling to get you started.

The Scorcher

Summers in the city are scorching, sweltering and sometimes pretty gross if we’re being completely honest. There is always a frenzied scuttle between two extremes: sticky, sweaty humidity; and bone-dry, air-conditioned purgatory. So much so, that natural deodorants and synthetic fabrics have very little purpose. Instead, opt for cotton jerseys from Jil Sander, cotton twills from Bottega Veneta, light colours, layers that shrug on and off with ease, and a cap to top it all off.

The Surprise Drizzle

You’re in camp love or camp hate when it comes to surprises. Even if you are well wedged in the former and insist on honouring the institution of enjoying piña coladas and getting caught in the rain, an unexpected soak is all romance in the moment; uncomfortable in hindsight. And cold, especially in the face of shopping mall air conditioners. It’s the kind of weather for hoods, waterproof leather, rubber slingbacks and pondering whether bringing an umbrella is worth the hassle. The answer is yes. Bring the umbrella.

The Big Rain

The roar of the big rain is the precursor to a whole host of unfortunate circumstances, if the fallen trees and battered streets are anything to go by. This same roar, however, also elicits some pretty great feelings. It may be a surprise sabbatical from work, school or the outside world. It’s extra hours of sleep, arguably undeserved but wholly embraced. It’s staying home in cosy knits, and boxy tees – oversized and soft. Press pause on your before-work routine – we’re staying in our most comfortable.

The First Chill

Like clockwork: autumn. The first chill of the season will sweep its way into our lives, inducing goosebumps. The last lingering swelter of summer may not evoke any burning desire to slide arms into long sleeves, but we’re planners. Strategise for the months ahead with Pre-Autumn buys that transition well; it’s the season for utility bombers, wear-forever knits and leather loafers.

2021-07-14 00:02:00.0

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