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Image Courtesy of Tom Wood


Getting the seal of approval

Words by Bridget Barnett

Once worn as a symbol of royalty, high social status or even slightly shady associations, signet rings have since landed firmly on the style circuit, shedding a history of clichéd connotations and slipping themselves onto the digits of the sharp and fashion-savvy.

It’s a piece that is surprisingly easy to pull off, making it perfect for men who are dipping their toes – or fingers – into jewellery for the first time. Understated and yet sophisticated, they manage to pair perfectly well with both a tracksuit and an actual suit. When it comes to styling, less is more – these precious metals are polished enough to be worn on their own, whether that be on your pinky, as tradition dictates, or not.

Image Courtesy of Tom Wood

Classic, circular designs stamped with family crests are no longer a sign of the times as brands champion their own iteration with unique square shapes and precious stone detailing. Discover the modern takes that get our seal of approval.

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